Do Not Say, “I Will Repay Evil”, Wait For The Lord

From Proverbs 20:22.

We’ve all been there. A friend betrays you by talking ill of you behind your back, a spouse does something that hurts you deeply, someone you helped will not return the favor when you are in need, a workmate tries to move up the ladder by making you look bad —and the list goes on and on.


There is a sense of injustice we feel when these things happen and as the emotions rush through us, we want justice. It is unfair and we need to make it right somehow. How could they do that to me? And not even show remorse for it? I’ll show them, we say. But STOP, I know it hurts and they were indeed wrong, however there is a better way.

Let’s look at the proverb again, Do not say “I will repay evil”; wait for the Lord. So God recognizes that someone has done you wrong—that is why it’s called evil, but He tells us through this proverb to refrain and wait. It should go without saying that we must forgive that person then let God make it right for us.

God does want to make it right; He wants to satisfy that need for justice, that’s His part. Our part is to forgive and wait. If we return evil for evil we make matters worse, and we will certainly reap more evil. Let us remain calm and let God handle it, He will not let us down. He will choose the time to make it right for you and trust me all things do work out for good for those who love and trust God.

2 thoughts on “Do Not Say, “I Will Repay Evil”, Wait For The Lord”

  1. Yep ..I’ve been wronged and there’s nothing I can do about it . And yes I want to get back at this injustice I’m waiting on the lord and it’s kinda hard because my life is going by I’m getting old but I trust you Lord ..all things work together for the good ..but it hurts sometimes still but I’ve learned to trust the Lord in all things ..

    • I am sorry about the injustice you’ve experienced Ricky. And yes at times it takes long before God makes it right. But when He does, it will be worth the wait. Keep trusting and leave it to Him. Do not forget to forgive the person/people as well. Our own pursuit of justice never really satisfies and often makes matters worse. Thanks for taking the time to comment.


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