All The Days Of The Afflicted Are Evil, But The Cheerful Of Heart Has A Continual Feast (Proverbs 15:15)

From Proverbs 15:15.

All the days we suffer are indeed evil or bad. We cannot pretend the problems we face are pleasant. No one plans to have an awful day. We all wish that every day could go well and is trouble-free. That is not the reality though.

So who is this person that can be happy all the time? The proverb says the cheerful of heart “has a continual feast”.  In other words, their good times do not come to an end. The secret lies in that word “heart” which represents the inner being: where our emotions dwell.


The writer of the proverb is saying if you can learn to be happy from within and not need your circumstances to bring you joy, then you will continually have good days. This, by the way, is something Jesus taught as well.

He told his disciples, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full” (John 15:11). Joy that is complete can only come from God but we must abide in His Word and listen to Him. This will give us a stable and lasting joy.

When we choose to keep a positive attitude in spite of what we are going through it is not denying the truth. It is actually looking to the truth. We trust that God can help us, and choose to smile in the rain because the solution is on its way (Romans 8:28). In this way we shall retain joy and peace in the hard times but also be happy in the good times. We shall have a continual feast.

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