Five Things God Promised He Will Always Do For You

The Bible is filled with many of God’s promises and to say the majority are amazing is an understatement. If we would really think about them and actually believe what they say, life would be fantastic. Today I want to focus on five and challenge you to decide that you will consider them reliable.

He Will Make All Things Work For Your Good

Life at times reminds me of something I saw on television years ago. There was a man driving on an icy and slippery road, he kept turning the wheel from left to right to keep his car going in the right direction but it seemed like it was not ‘listening’. The car often went the opposite direction and when he tried to brake, it took so long to stop. He was obviously frustrated, he simply wanted to move on to his destination. Likewise life has a way of taking us this way and that when we want to go straight forward. God anticipated this and the above promise deals with all its unpredictable aspects. Whatever God allows can and will be used for good if we trust Him. As we walk in faith, He guides our steps and makes sure when we look back we will always see how He turned negatives into positives. Do not think all disappointments, delays and detours are necessarily bad. They may well bring the finest blessings into your life.

Read Romans 8:28.

He Will Meet Your Needs

We all have needs. In the financial area some find it difficult to meet them for one reason or other. And God can step in. If you are doing all you can but still struggle to get what you need then you’ve got to let God intervene. He has a way of opening doors that seem shut and sealed. What you require was already provided before hand, but to find it takes faith and reliance on Him. True, it can be challenging to trust when the needs are pressing but if your options are limited why not consider asking God? Pray for wisdom and He will lead you to the provision.

Read Philippians 4:19 and Mathew 6:33.

He Will Give You Peace

“My peace I give to you not as the world gives, let not your heart be troubled.” So why did Jesus say let not your heart be troubled? It tells me there is a choice. It is possible to either let your heart be troubled or NOT let your heart be troubled. Think about it, God cannot ask you to do something beyond your ability. His peace does not necessarily make the circumstances change, it makes us stable in spite of whatever we are experiencing. It only comes though when we stop trying to resolve matters that are out of our hands and entrust them to Him. Two things will happen then, you will be at rest and He will solve your problem for you—with patience!

Read John 14:27 and Mathew 11:28.

He Will Forgive You When You Fail

God’s grace has got you covered. Like one walking on a tight rope high up across mountains, you do not have to worry because he has the wide net of grace below. In case you fall (and we all do) you will land on His cushioning mercy and get a chance to go again. There are no limits to this mercy; it will be there for you day after day for the rest of your life.

Read 1 John 1:9.

He Will Always Be With You

I saved the best for last. Of all the promises of God this is one that can always give you reason to be happy. It embodies all the other promises because when you have God with you, all the rest of his wonderful attributes are with you as well. The God who counts everything as easy, who loves us and for whom nothing is impossible gave His word that He would never (not for a second) leave us or abandon us. Remember the prevalence of trouble does not equate to the absence of God.

Read Hebrews 13:5 and Isaiah 43:2.

2 thoughts on “Five Things God Promised He Will Always Do For You”

    • Thanks for reading this Ava, and we appreciate the comment you left. The promises of God are indeed wonderful, considering that God can only tell the truth makes them even more beautiful. The challenge of course is to have faith in His words and be patient. In the end they shall always prove true. Blessings to you.


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